The Only One Indifferent... WGASA?

Welcome to Cubicle Hell.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Okay, it's Tuesday. Time for the first edition of Wife Rant.

I think I am going to trade Husband in for the '07 model. He stays at home with Girls 1&2, and goes to school at night. What I have a problem with is that when I get home, the kids are still in their pajamas, and if not, they are in only diapers. Now, I understand that this saves on laundry. But Girl 1 needs a schedule! She is a toddler and needs to keep up something consistent. He wonders why she has omitted her naps and doesn't go to bed before 10. Hello, wake up at 10 am much? When I was on maternity leave with Girl two when he was on deployment, I had it DOWN. Girl one was up by 8, nap at noon, and down by 9. Every night.
And another thing; what is the deal with the mess in the house when I get home??? Why is it so hard to clean up the cheerios and pieces of cheese they so carelessly discard. She is two for crying out loud, make her clean it up herself.

And when I take a little thirty minute nap on the couch when I get to work, don't bitch about it. Pic up the cheese and clean up after yourself and maybe I won't be so tired at night!!!!


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