I ran again today. I also weighed my self.
Still a fat ass.
Today, customer service was at a PEAK! We had an officer come in to turn in a travel claim. Now, normally, when you rent a government expensed rental car, you initially pay for every thing up front and then the government reimburses you for you expenses while on official travel. Well, said officer, who's first name is exactly the same as that fucking giraffe from Toys R Us, tried to claim gas he paid for while on orders to Hawaii for 17 days. (17 is the magic number in the Navy. I don't know why. It just is. It's every where.) Well, in the first 2 days, he bought gas at 1052 PM, then at 0753 the next morning, then again at 1500, the same day. Do I need to reiterate that this is in Hawaii? What the hell are you doing that causes you to buy 90 bucks worth of gas in less then 24 hours? He had a regular size car. I think he picke dup receipts off the ground. It has happened before. We once had a twit come in trying to claim 450 dollars in gass, for 1 week of travel orders. She was in school, and her lodging was on base, about 2.5 feet from the school. Turns out, she was driving home from Orlando every night. And filling up her personal vehicle. So, she not only had to pay it all back, but she also was denied reimbursement for the lodging (She went home every night, remember?.. Which is a 3 hour drive.) but she only got about 100 bucks in gas.
And she failed the class.
Okay, not really, but that would have made this story better.
Holy crap, its before 10 pm and two kids are asleep. I better make use of my time. Ha!
PS- We close in two weeks.
Still a fat ass.
Today, customer service was at a PEAK! We had an officer come in to turn in a travel claim. Now, normally, when you rent a government expensed rental car, you initially pay for every thing up front and then the government reimburses you for you expenses while on official travel. Well, said officer, who's first name is exactly the same as that fucking giraffe from Toys R Us, tried to claim gas he paid for while on orders to Hawaii for 17 days. (17 is the magic number in the Navy. I don't know why. It just is. It's every where.) Well, in the first 2 days, he bought gas at 1052 PM, then at 0753 the next morning, then again at 1500, the same day. Do I need to reiterate that this is in Hawaii? What the hell are you doing that causes you to buy 90 bucks worth of gas in less then 24 hours? He had a regular size car. I think he picke dup receipts off the ground. It has happened before. We once had a twit come in trying to claim 450 dollars in gass, for 1 week of travel orders. She was in school, and her lodging was on base, about 2.5 feet from the school. Turns out, she was driving home from Orlando every night. And filling up her personal vehicle. So, she not only had to pay it all back, but she also was denied reimbursement for the lodging (She went home every night, remember?.. Which is a 3 hour drive.) but she only got about 100 bucks in gas.
And she failed the class.
Okay, not really, but that would have made this story better.
Holy crap, its before 10 pm and two kids are asleep. I better make use of my time. Ha!
PS- We close in two weeks.
At 15 March, 2007 05:59 , Anonymous said...
I need to start cheating on my expenses like that. I usually just try to get paid back for an airport paperback or something.
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