The Only One Indifferent... WGASA?

Welcome to Cubicle Hell.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I am a little depressed. For so long I have had a mediocre anticipation building up inside of me about this. And last night, it all came to an end, as I finished the final chapter of HP Book 7.
If you don't want to know what happens in HP Book 7, go away. I am going to rant about it.

Suffice to say, I am glad Harry lives. I think what may have bothered me a bit was to imagine him all grown up, with Ginny as his wife and his three kids. Altogether, I think that it was ended nicely. Ron and Hermione end up together, which I suspected from the first place, seeing as how they had all that tension together..... :Sigh: I am going to have to read the series again...

In other news, Neice Who Steals came to visit again... I caught her. She ended up stealing my mimi-camcorder, and the bitched is now banned. I don't care if the Pope declares her a saint, the little shit is not allowed in my house.
What I really wanted to do was call a friend of mine from the Navy Reserves. He is a deputy in our Sheriff's office. I wanted him to handcuff her and throw her in the car, to like, scare her straight, but I didnt think about it until then, and I had ordered Husband to get her the fuck out of my house. I am sure that if we had warned her mother, it would have been an acceptable form of punishment.
Also, NWS's mother is no longer a stripper. I am going to have to get more creative now.

Let's see... I graduate school next year in May. I don't think that anything special will come of an online associate's degree, but I will be educated, none the less. First in my family too.... Next term I will be taking webpage design, so expect a move from me and a spruced up page...

Dog is fine, cat is fine. Girl 1 is so damn smart, it scared me. Read the conversation below:
Girl 1: Mommy, it hurts.
Navy Momma: What happened?
Girl 1: I got a scratch.
NM: Who scratched you?
Girl 1: The fucking cat.

Mind you, she is two and a half. I guess she has figured out the affectionate name we have for the kitty. We are now going to have to down grade to Damn Cat I guess....

Girl 2 just celebrated her first birthday a couple weeks ago. I can't believe it has been a year already. She is getting so big, and so smart. She walks pretty well, and I can pretty much figure out her baby babble. The girls get along for the most part. Just now girl 1 told me she wanted to read to her sister. Isn't that sweet?????


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