The Only One Indifferent... WGASA?

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Monday, January 28, 2008

More adventures from the land of 'Tard.

I got this message from some dude in the middle east. Turkey or something.

TB: Turkey Boy
CR: Me *waves*

TB: hi
CR: hi
TB: asl
CR: look at my profile you twit
TB: please
TB: im new here
CR: No, if youcant be bothered to check my profile....
CR: No you arent.
CR: you ve messaged me a couple times in the past month.
CR: and youve been on this site since october.
CR: Ive been on this site less time then you and i know how to do it.
CR: So go away
CR: liar
TB: but its not my adress
CR: i so don't care.
TB: im chat in box of my boyfreind
CR: is that your picture?
TB: no
CR: yeah, right.
CR: leave me alone
TB: ok
TB: bye bye
TB: you are not cute
CR: i dont try to be.
CR: you are an ugly motherfu.kcer
TB: ok thank you
TB: very mutch
TB: bye

I guess it could have been worse. I don't get these gems that often any more, because most of them know I am a basher anyway of those who are foreign. :D
I draw the line at Canada, Australia, and Anywhere in Europe; although those are subjected to stupidity as well.

So... want to know what is going on that doesn't involve retarded emails or transexual conversations?

Girl 1 turned three last week. Girl 2 wants to potty train, and I know it, however, (and I emphasize that comma) it has been nearly six months since we began trying to sit her ass on the pot. We put the both of them in day care because Husband needs to get off his ass and find a job (I pay for the daycare, of course) and the baby sitter informed me today that she is giving up on potty training her.
Mmmkay. Guess Girl 1 is going to kindergarten in a pull-up.

Girl 2 is a pain in the ass lately. This attitude crap is getting old... She was supposed to be the good one.

Oh, oh oh. Big News. I am going to be out of a job next week. Yeah. Apparently, Cubicle Hell Inc. pulled the funding on my job, so Cubicle Rat will become Homeless Mouse. Or Something.


I found this out all after my manager told me he wants to put me in for another job down stairs (no more elevator, w00t!) It pays 2 bucks more an hour, and I get away from the scandalous retired people here.

Husband still needs a job.


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