The Only One Indifferent... WGASA?

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

More Retarded Conversations:

sadandinlove: is dat idiot of a person king here?
sadandinlove: WHERE THE %%%% IS HE, %%%%%?
sadandinlove: I'M DOIN IT NOW.
sadandinlove: ******* ***** **** *************
sadandinlove: THERES UR ADDRESS
me: you are still a dumbass arent you
me: you poor child. another statistic of poor white trash
sadandinlove: you aint seen me. tell him to stop givin my number out or ill hack both ur systems.
me: oh please.
me: give me a break.
me: i dont talk to him that often, so why would what i say matter? besides, i would love to see you try
me: i will.
me: try. i dare you.
me: you cant hack into my computer. its a macintosh
me: and why would you hack into mine? i didnt do anything to you
sadandinlove: i will, u dork. there is a way. yeah u did.
me: what did i do besides berate you?
me: why dont you tell him yourself???
me: I dont talk to him that often
sadandinlove: i dont talk to him
me: neither do i
me: if you are acting a fool in the chat room, then he does that stuff.
me: quit acting like a retard and he wont bother you
me: you go ahead and try to hack my computer... I have your number, i will save this conversation, and i will call the police and press charges
sadandinlove: i dont. he does.
me: hacking is a federal offense
sadandinlove: LIKE GIVIN OUT #S.
me: leave me alone.
sadandinlove: tell him to stop then n i will.
me: no.
me: i have nothing to do with this.
sadandinlove: yes u do
me: i swear, if anything happens to my computer,,,, even if it is just a slow load time on my browser, i ill report you.
me: i do have your number, this conversation is proff that you threatened me
me: you are in no position o make threats, little girl
me: what do i have to do with this?
sadandinlove: wat, on this website? ill make a new one.
me: i havent been in the chat in over a month
sadandinlove: idc
me: No, i will report you to the police
me: hacking is a federal offense
sadandinlove: ok. ill stop..........
me: punishable with fines and jail time
me: very good.
me: if you don't want him to bother you, then make a new name
sadandinlove: i think i would probably know dat.
me: ok...
me: so how do you figure i have anthing to do with this?
sadandinlove: idk..........
sadandinlove: peace out.......
me: im saving this convo.
sadandinlove: why?
me: just in case.
sadandinlove: i dont really even know how
me: then why make empty threats?
sadandinlove: god im just 13. u think id know how to do that?
me: with the way society is today nothing would suprise me.
me: i thought you were that girl who was pregnant?
sadandinlove: pregnant?????????? wtf r u talkin about?!?!??
me: ok must be another person then
me: i dont remember her name
sadandinlove: ok.....
sadandinlove: ok.......
me: so, yeah
me: im leaing now
sadandinlove: just dont report me for nothin...... i wont hack ur system or anything....
me: deal.
sadandinlove: k....
me: bye
sadandinlove: peace out

Is hacking a federal offense???

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why My State Is Retarded....

JACKSONVILLE, FL -- A high school baseball player is facing cruelty to animal charges.

Police say the teen killed a duck with a baseball bat.

Police went to Baldwin Middle-Senior High School this week on a report of a student who had killed a school duck with a bat.

The duck apparently lived with several other ducks in a retention pond in front of the school.

Coach Joseph Graham told detectives he saw one of his players hit a black and white object on the ground with a baseball bat. Graham later saw the object was actually a duck and it was dead.

Detectives say the player, who has been given a notice to appear in court, initially denied killing the duck. But he admitted to throwing a stick at it.

The player then told police while on break from practice some of the other players on the team challenged him that he couldn't hit the duck with a bat. The player said he threw the bat twice, but missed both times. He said he grabbed a stick and threw it at the duck, breaking its neck.

The player said he didn't mean to hurt the duck.

The player said everyone agreed the duck needed to be killed to put it out of its misery. The player told police he picked up a baseball bat and hit the duck in the head, killing it.

The player told police the players took the dead duck away after practice.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I haven't updated in like, a month and a half and no one cares.


Anyway, nothing new, just want to let you people know I am still a bum at home, but my husband has a job now. He works. Im Betty Crocker/Suzy Homemaker.

But I smoke pot now. I am an advocate of Marijuana for Medicinal Uses. I haven't had any problems with my back pain since I started smoking.

Only drawback? I feel like my IQ is dropping. I stumble my sentences a lot even if I'm not high. It is weird... Like Mommy-sitis but ten times worse....

But I can do do dishes now without complaint. :)

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